We love our Equicooldown!!

We love the Equicooldown blanket and use it daily in our program. Here in north central Florida summers are brutal. Although we slow down our training, our horses continue to work all summer. I have my blanket soaking in a tub of water, with a splash of liniment added. After a rinse, horses wear the blanket in their stalls as they cool down. It is such a nice way to get body temps down, protect muscles and let them relax. After 20-30 minutes under the blanket I put the blanket back in the tub for the next horse to use. I add the liniment when we are not showing and because I have it added to the bucket of water, I use much less and all the horses enjoy the benefits.

We have used the blanket during travel such as in quarantine overseas and on the trailer traveling to and from competition. We have even used to blanket during an emergency fever situation where we were able to rapidly reduce a fever of unknown origin. We continued the use of the blanket several times a day for a week to keep the horse comfortable and recovering.

At the end of use, we can toss it in the washing machine and have it ready for the next week. It is a wonderful piece of equipment!

– Lisa Hellmer, LCH Equestrian. USDF Bronze Silver Gold Medalist and Para Dressage Coach

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