Contact Us – old

contact us for cooling product information

Whether you have a question about our products, want more cooling product information, would like to share feedback, are interested in becoming a distributor or retailer, or just want to say hi, we’re always happy to hear from  you! Please contact us using the form below. If you are contacting us about an order you’ve placed online, please include your order number. It is also helpful if you include the country and city, state, or metro that you are contacting us from, so that we can better serve you.

We also love hearing about how our products have helped you or your horse. If you’re interested in possibly being featured on our website, email us with your story and a picture of you and/or your horse and you may be featured on our website or social media.

We Love Hearing From You

So drop us a line! We do our best to answer all inquiries within 48 hours during normal business days. Please note that we are located in Florida, in the United States and are on Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5). We will get back to you as soon as possible.

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equi cool down cooling product information[/twocol_one_last]

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